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Guild Rules:


  • Everyone is to be treated with respect.

  • No swearing. You will receive a warning and if you continue to ignore the warning, you may be removed.

  • No posting recount, skada, details or the like. We keep logs for raids and we do not need people showing off or trying to prove they are better than someone else.

  • As a casual raiding guild, you are not required to raid. If you choose to raid, there are raiding rules which can be found on the raiding page.

  • If you are not a raider, you are expected to be a pleasant and helpful person. You can join for guild activities on the calendar.

  • There will be no harassing or bullying.

  • When you participate in game events with people outside the guild, you are expected to be on your best behavior. Do not swear, insult, bully or be mean to those in your non-guild group. You are an extension of the guild and will act with decorum and courtesy.

  • All players will follow the Blizzard World of Warcraft Terms or Service.

  • Guild members do not sell to one another. If someone creates or crafts something for you, please provide them with the mats. Do not take advantage of the kindness of others.


Officer Rules:


Officers are promoted based on their willingness and ability to support the guild and the GM. If a time comes when an officer cannot perform their duties, they can be demoted without ill-will. Remember: Real Life First.


  • Officers support the guild and the GM. They should voice concerns in a polite and considerate manner.

  • Officer chat is not a place where guild members are insulted. It should be used to discuss things that may NOT be necessary or appropriate for raid chat or guild chat. Sometimes issues come up in the guild or in the raid which need the support and assistance of the other officers.

  • Officers are welcome to put up events on the guild calendar. These events should NOT be put up during other events without discussion in order to minimize conflicts. Also, the officer should have a 2nd officer to assist and moderate the activity in the event that real life intervenes or technology fails the leader.

  • If the GM is not online, all officers should consider themselves to be standing in for the GM and act appropriately. This means if a guild member is breaking rules or has been hacked, the officer can demote them or remove them from the guild. If they do so, they should contact the GM as soon as possible. It can be helpful to take screenshots to support their decision and actions.

  • Officers should be helpful whenever they are online and in the guild. If a person asks for help in guild chat, all officers should respond with a) Their willing assistance, b) A kind declination such as “sorry, but I'm only on for 15 minutes” or “I can't right now because I'm doing something else.” or c) Yes, but not right now. Can we do it at another time?”


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