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We are a casual raiding guild. That means we are not hardcore. We are people who like to play the game and want to complete end-game content to the best of our ability without getting stressed. Everyone should take personal responsibility for their play and be willing to accept constructive criticism. We try to keep "rules" to a minimum in the guild as we want to retain a relaxed atmosphere, but for progression raiding, and raiding in general, we do prefer to have a few requirements:


  • If you have signed up, log on in plenty of time. We usually start forming the group 15 minutes before the set raid time. This helps the raid leader sort the team and cover for those who are missing. Because we emphasize Real Life First, sometimes we end up missing someone and they have to be replaced. If you are unsure if you can attend, sign as tentative rather than certain.


  • Please try to be available at the start of the raid and to try to stay through to the end of the raid. Tanks and healers are especially hard to replace mid-way through the night. If you need to come late or leave early, please let the raid leader know so they can be prepared.


  • Be properly buffed. While the guild does try to provide flasks and feasts, you should have an adequate supply of food, flasks, potions, runes and any other buffs that are available. You should also have all eligible gear enchanted and gemmed. You should also be FULLY repaired.


  • There will be a minimum rank requirement for your Heart of Azeroth. This will change over the course of the expansion and will always be in force except in the most extreme of circumstances agreed upon between the officers. This minimum rank requirement is listed on the Progression page and will updated over the course of the expansion.


  • The guild does try to provide guild repairs during raiding. When this is turned on, feel free to repair this way. Please do NOT abuse this system, eg. using it when you are not raiding, or using it when you pug, as there are not many ways to keep the guilds funds topped up since Blizzard removed the guild perk that gave a % of looted gold to the guild.


  • You should have the relevant add ons needed to raid. At minimum, this must include DBM or Bigwigs. They should also be up to date.


  • You need to have Discord. You are not required to speak, although you are welcome to do so. You are required to listen. Please be aware of any loud background noise/music you may generate as a lot of players use headphones. You will be silenced if you constantly generate noise from music/tv/interference/etc.


  • No recount/skada/details in the raid. We keep logs.


  • You should research the fight before hand. While the raid leader will give instructions on how we fight the boss, you should make sure you have a working understanding of the fight mechanics. This can be gained from many sources: The Adventure Guide, Wowhead, Youtube and many others.


  • Raid places are not "reserved" as such. The guild has created a core of raiders over the years and they usually fill out most of the spots. Remaining spots will go to people who show themselves to be reliable in attendance and aware during encounters. With flexible raid sizes, we have more room to accommodate deserving players.


  • The raid leader(s) will give the instructions on how the fight is to progress. Please do not  debate with them how things "should" be done, or call out contradicting instructions during fights. If you have suggestions to make, offer them between attempts. Our raid leaders are always open to any assistance that will lead to a boss being killed.


  • If you feel a need to criticize, do so in private /whisper to the raid leader but dont spam them once your point has been made. Please avoid taking it upon yourself to complain about others. Positive comments only are welcomed. ​


  • Loot. The guild no longer uses DKP or any similar method for loot distribution. With the additional introduction of mandatory personal loot in BfA players will keep any loot they get. Feel free to offer any surplus gear to other raiders, by means of a /roll.  Any players that want to roll for the surplus gear should roll as the spec they are currently in, and as off spec after. The exception to this is if a player has been asked to fulfill a role they would not normally be, in which case they can roll for their usual spec first. Please NEVER whisper players asking if they need the loot. If it is not needed, the player will let the group know.


  • As with normal guild interaction, no swearing in raid chat or on discord please.


  •  Do not only log on to your main just for raid days. Your character is your responsibility and you should be improving all the time. Playing on alts is okay but your main should be the focus.


  • Do not change mains during an expansion unless the raid leader has agreed and discussed it ahead of time. It is rarely a benefit to the guild for players to switch mains.


  • Please prepare a viable off spec, especially if you feel you are topped out on your main spec.

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